Entering the world of Magic Mushrooms and Guayusa

I thought we could discuss a potential morning ritual for adding micro-dosing into your life. Micro-dosing is not for everyone. Contrary to what many companies are claiming in their marketing, psychedelic mushrooms are not a cure-all for everyone. As with all plants...
Butterfly Pea Tea

Butterfly Pea Tea

This tea is mineral-rich, good for your nervous system, builds bones, is heart-healthy, is super yummy, and has a beautiful purple color. Purple is one of my favorite colors. I actively work at bringing wild foods of all colors into my diet. Purple can be one of the...
Allergy Relief Tincture

Allergy Relief Tincture

The trees are blooming and life is procreating! Lots of life blowing in the air and into our respiratory systems. Allergies are a big topic. If you suffer from “bad” allergies. It’s best to work with a practitioner to find out what’s going on....
Nettle Infused Irish Soda Bread

Nettle Infused Irish Soda Bread

It’s that time of year for me. I wander through the far corners of my refrigerator searching for all my potions and creations of last summer that aren’t used up yet. Spring is in the air and I’m already excited to see my angelica, crocus, yarrow, and...
Yellow Dock Syrup

Yellow Dock Syrup

Native to eastern Europe and western Asia, yellow dock or curly dock, a perennial broad-leaf plant, has naturalized throughout North America. It is considered a noxious weed in some overgrazed agricultural areas where cattle and sheep graze because its leaves contain...