Integrated Earth Medicine

Herbal Medicine. Ancient Healing Techniques. Modern Science

 Reconnect to the healing power of nature within you. 

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society"


Remember. Reconnect. Re-vision.

Integrated Earth Medicine’s services and healing journeys help you:

Remember your ancestor’s ancient healing wisdom,

Re-connect to your body’s power to heal,

and Re-vision your future as part of nature itself.

smudge stick smoking in a seashell ash tray with glass amber bottles of herbal medicine in background


Mushroom Medicine-Consultations

Working with herbs and mushrooms for overall well-being, changing unhelpful personal belief systems, and professional growth.

Initial Micro-dose Consultation is $80 with free gift packet included. Click here to schedule.

Journey Experience starts at $600 per person. Email me for booking.


Colorado Herb Walks

I host walks in the local Colorado area. Learn about native plants and how to prepare them for medicinal use. Starting at $150.

Colorado Herbal Education

Join me for classes or book for your personalized group education. Starting at $250.

2024 Currently Scheduled Classes

Hands-on Herbalism at Aims Community College, Loveland Campus series starting January 20th

Hands-on Herbalism at Aims Community College, Fort Lupton Campus series starting February 3rd

Art of Tea for Plenty Heirloom Farms March 23rd

Healing Power of Trees at Aims Community College, Loveland Campus series starting April 13 

Herbal First Aid Kit for Plenty Heirloom Farms April 27

Weed Walk at Plenty Heirloom Farms July 6th and 8th

Mullein Identification, Harvesting, and Wild Crafting Ethics for Plenty Farms at Round Mountain August 3rd

Witches and Weeds for the Immune Season for Plenty Heirloom Farms October 12th





Its time to break free of unhealthy frameworks and step into more coherant ways of experiencing the world.

About Me

Chrystal Cocek graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Natural Health. I continued my education with courses and apprenticeships. I live an active lifestyle in beautiful Colorado. It is my goal to help us remember we are a part of nature. Healing is a journey that includes a relationship with the natural environment. 

The natural world helps us remember who we are and our ancient ways, reconnect with nature and our purpose, and revision what our lives look like moving forward.

I do my best to offer information about natural medicine in the local area. Learning to work with plants and mushrooms is more profound when you can get to know “what” you working with in person. I also focus on sharing personal experiences along with scientific data. I will not teach about a subject I’m not familiar with on a personal level. is on purpose. It is reminding us we are of earth.

“Chrystal is a wealth of herbal knowledge. She teaches in a way that creates good habits and routines, weaving herbs into your life one plant at a time. I learned so much about the effects of different herbs on both the physical and emotional body, and how to grow and prepare them. It has deepened my connection and gratitude for this earth and keeps both me and my family in good heath. Forever grateful to her teachings”

S Greeley.


Learn to become less reliant on supplement companies. Know what’s in your formulas. Learn what plants are in danger of extinction and how you can grow them in your own yard. Making your own herbal formulas is the most sustainable form of herbalism. Push the play button on the left to view video.

The time has come to hold responsibility for your journey and health. Plants, animals, stones, mushrooms and all forms of nature are here and waiting.

Albert Einstein said "You can not solve a problem with the same mind that created it". Come see how understanding plants can help you relate to health in a new way. No restrictive diets. No body hacks. No perfectionistic views. Expand your diet. Expand your understanding of your body. Expand what health means.

It is not sustainable or good for the environment to ship plants or products from around the world to assist in your healing journey. Learn how to build a life and environment that nourishes and restores health to all.